Release Notes
General Questions & Answers
- What happens when the Gateway Connect loses the internet connection? (Fail-Safe)
- How do I change the minimum charge currents for chargers?
- What is the UUID in HARMON-E?
- What happens if the Power Meter loses the connection? (Fail-Safe)
- Can HARMON-E receive control signals from grid operators?
- Does HARMON-E automatically send ClearChargingProfiles?
Load Management Features
- Error State Reduction (Fail-Safe)
- Static Scheduler
- Unbalanced Load Control (UBL)
- Multi-Level-Clustering
- Limits
- Adaptive Charging
Error Codes
- Reducing cluster limit by …A
- Charger changed into error state
- Cannot run Unbalanced Load Prevention
- Unbalanced load control not active anymore
- Can’t calculate building consumption because OCPP values is missing
- Can’t calculate building consumption because power meter values are missing