Chargepoint <CP_ID>: Received higher OCPP values (<MAX_PHASE_CURRENT>) as the load management has allocated (<ALLOCATED_CURRENT>)
The charger reports higher consumption than allowed by the load management. This may be because it rejected the profile, a conversion error has happened if using W profiles (instead of A profiles), or the charger is following a different profile.
Charger rejected the profile
- Make sure the firmware is certified: Which charging stations are compatible with HARMON-E?
- Make sure the Schedule Unit (A/W) and Schedule Kind (Absolute/Relative) are configured according to the charger's requirements
- Send a ClearChargingProfile command via your CPMS
Still getting this error?
Some vehicles (e.g. Tesla EV) tend to draw a few hundred Watts more than allocate by the load management. Due to the insignificantly small values, this can be ignored.
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